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Do you have problems logging in? Did you not receive the link, not even in your SPAM folder? If your partner can log in, your partner can easily send the link to another e-mail address by clicking on the resend registration email link at the top of the screen Can`t you both log in? Send an email to info@groozers.nl with the subject login problem. Indicate in the e-mail with which e-mail address you have registered and the time of registration preferably accurate to the minute.

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The information and / or products on this website are offered without any form of guarantee and / or claim to correctness. We reserve the right to change, remove or re-install these materials without prior notice. Groozers accepts no liability for any information that is on websites to which we refer via hyperlinks.

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The use of the information on this website is free as long as you do not copy, distribute or otherwise use or misuse this information. You may only re-use the information on this website in accordance with the rules of mandatory law.

Re-using text, photo material or other materials on this website is not permitted without express written permission from Groozers. The intellectual property rests with Groozers and, with regard to photos, with the photographers concerned.

Photos on the site come from own material from www.unsplash.com.

Personal Data Act
Groozers only registers the email addresses that you can use to log in. The addresses are automatically deleted one week after your use of Groozers. The data entered by you can be used anonymously for statistical information about the use of Groozers and the choices made. You can also choose to immediately delete your data and all entries at the end of your session. Groozers does not use tracking coockies. Coockies are used to a very limited extent during the session to use the site Groozers does not use external logging systems that register the use of the site. Groozers does not use external advertisements.

Information for the press
Are you a journalist or otherwise a representative of the press? Groozers is happy to help you, send an email to press@groozers.com, we will contact you or let you know by email how you can reach us.

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Collaborate with Groozers
Do you see opportunities to work with Groozers? Do you have a good idea? Send an email to partner@groozers.com. You can also contact us via this email address if you would like to submit a new translation.

Information about Groozers
Groozers is an initiative of Spring Vision, part of the company Scheffer Soft Colors based in Utrecht, the Netherlands. After the foundation in 1992, Spring Vision has specialized over the years in the development and implementation of Serious Games for various organizations throughout Europe. With these organizations, the usefulness of Serious Gaming has clearly proven itself, for example as a team building tool, in learning processes, as a starting point for new intensive cooperation, as an assessment tool, etc. With Groozers, Spring Vision has made the next step: a Serious Gaming application for individuals in the form of an online game for people with a relationship.